Sunrise also offers a partial hospitalization program (PHP) for those that need a higher level of care. PHP is often a natural second step in the addiction treatment process for those that have successfully completed an inpatient or residential drug rehabilitation program. It is also an appropriate intervention as an intermediate step to attempt to keep an individual from having to move to an inpatient or residential setting.

This program provides a blend of outpatient individual and group counseling services with appropriate medical supervision, which has several advantages over an inpatient or residential rehabilitation program, including:

By participating in a partial hospitalization program, patients can continue to grow in their personal lives while continuing to commit to sobriety and treatment. This type of care helps patients find a balance in their lives and continue to work to stay sober and achieve their goals.

What To Expect From Our Partial Hospitalization Program

Our team of skilled mental health care professionals is dedicated to delivering high-quality treatment and support to individuals enrolled in our partial hospitalization program. They are trained in various therapeutic modalities and treatment approaches, including geriatric psychiatry, medication management, and trauma-informed practices.

The partial hospital program is ideal for those who require intensive mental health services but are stable enough to return home at the end of each day. This level of care bridges the gap between inpatient and outpatient treatment, allowing participants to continue receiving the support they need while transitioning back to their daily lives. In this program, individuals can expect to engage in a variety of therapeutic activities designed to build skills, foster hope, and promote personal growth. Partial hospitalization program requirements can sometimes seem extensive, but Sunrise makes it easy!

Sunrise Site With Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) Services


1907 11th St,
Portsmouth, OH 45662

(740) 529-7356

About Sunrise Treatment Center

Sunrise Treatment Center began in 2007 as part of a private practice office that provided office-based opioid treatment. Since then, our facility has grown to serve patients in the Cincinnati, Columbus, and Dayton areas with informed substance abuse treatment. In 2015, Sunrise opened an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) to add an additional level of care. Since this opening, we've been able to provide treatment for patients who were not a good fit for non-intensive outpatient treatment.

In the years since Sunrise has continued to grow. We've added more service lines, including mental health therapy, general transitional medical care, trauma-informed care, recovery houses, and more. We've also built and added new programs. In addition to our PHP, some of our program options include:

Whether you're looking for a PHP option or another type of assistance we offer, we're here for you. Contact us today to get started and receive the care you need.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you do in a PHP program?

A partial hospitalization program allows individuals to receive intensive treatment for mental health or substance abuse disorders while living at home or in a supportive environment. The specific activities and components of a PHP program can vary, but common features include:

  • Treatment Schedule: Patients attend the program during the day, typically five days a week, for several hours a day.
  • Therapeutic Activities: PHP may include therapy sessions, group therapy, skills training, or other types of therapy (such as trauma-focused therapy) to work on mental health conditions.
  • Medication Management: PHPs often include medication management services provided by a psychiatrist or other qualified healthcare professional.
What are the goals of partial hospitalization?

Some of the key goals of partial hospitalization programs include:

  • Stabilization: One primary goal is to stabilize individuals experiencing acute symptoms related to their substance use or mental health.
  • Crisis Management: PHP aims to provide a therapeutic environment where individuals can receive immediate support and intervention during a crisis.
  • Relapse Prevention: PHP aims to help prevent relapses by identifying triggers and high-risk situations and helping patients develop coping mechanisms to manage stress in a healthy way.

Additional goals include skill development, symptom management, and helping patients transition to a lower level of care.

How long does PHP last?

The duration of PHP can vary depending on several factors, including a patient's needs, treatment progress, and the program's structure. Generally, these programs are designed as short-term, intensive treatment options to bridge the gap between inpatient and outpatient care.

What are the benefits of a PHP program?

Some key benefits of PHP programs include:

  • Costs for this intensive outpatient treatment are less than inpatient options and are usually covered by insurance.
  • Patients can continue to work while receiving treatment and can keep up with other responsibilities.
  • Patients can develop outside support systems.

Our story--from the inception of Sunrise in 2007 to the work we do today.


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Frequently Asked Questions


What is the difference between inpatient and outpatient treatment?

Inpatient and outpatient treatment are two different approaches to providing medical or psychiatric care. Inpatient treatment is when a patient is admitted to a hospital or treatment facility for an extended period, while outpatient treatment refers to receiving medical or psychiatric care without staying overnight in a facility. Both forms of treatment can include elements like support groups, family therapy, and more.

The decision between an inpatient and an outpatient rehab program depends on the individual's condition, severity, and treatment goals. Healthcare professionals evaluate these factors to determine the most appropriate level of care for each patient.


What does IOP mean in rehab?

IOP stands for Intensive Outpatient Program in the context of rehab. An Intensive Outpatient Program is a structured treatment approach that provides intensive therapy and support for individuals recovering from substance abuse, addiction, or certain mental health conditions. It offers a higher level of care than traditional outpatient treatment but does not require patients to stay overnight at a facility.


What are the advantages of outpatient care?

Outpatient care offers several advantages for patients, including:

  1. Flexibility: Outpatient care allows patients to receive treatment while maintaining their daily routines. They can continue working, attending school, or fulfilling family obligations without major disruptions.
  2. Cost-Effective: Outpatient care is generally more cost-effective than inpatient treatment. Since patients do not stay overnight in a facility, expenses such as accommodation, meals, and 24/7 supervision are eliminated or reduced.
  3. Supportive Environment: Outpatient care enables patients to receive treatment while staying in their familiar environment, such as their homes or communities. This can offer a sense of comfort, security, and emotional support from family and friends.

Why do patients prefer outpatient care?

Some patients prefer outpatient care because it is more flexible and allows them to continue working, seeing family members, and continuing a job or other commitments without major disruptions. Outpatient drug rehab is also generally more cost-effective than inpatient programs.


Does Sunrise accept Medicaid?

Yes, Sunrise Treatment Center does accept many forms of Medicaid. Visit our insurance page here to learn more.